Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 70 - Polebridge, MT to Missoula, MT

Mileage - 276e
Glacial Lake Missoula features
     Photo gallery
     Big Draw, Elmo to Niarada
     Giant Ripples of Camas Prairie, Hot Springs to Perma
     Camas Creek Road across Camas Prairie
     Rainbow Lake (Dog Lake)
     Locust Mountain
     Banana Lake
     Eddy Narrows, Plains to Thompson Falls -
          Maximum discharge flow estimated at 10 cubic miles per hour,
          which is 200 times the maximum discharge rate of the Mississippi River
     Hellgate Canyon, Bonner
Ravalli, MT
     National Bison Range
Missoula, MT
     Carousel for Missoula
     Guy's Lolo Creek Steakhouse